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@gooreumseng: 두유 맛있게 드세영~~~❤️ #할아버지 #하성운
enjoy the soy milk~~~❤️ #grandpa #hasungwoon
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GOOD MORNING FELLOW INTERPEEPS! MIGHTY MORPHIN MEGAMOUTH! | Hungry Shark World - Part 8 https://youtu.be/FKgrIsBGhp8 In this video I play an adorable game called Hungry Shark World! Watch as I eat my way through this Arcade styled world in an effort to gain a high score, earn new ridiculous clothing and accessories, unlock new levels and bigger shark types. This is a game where no one and nothing is safe, land or sea... my shark will chomp it down! LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy my content and hit the BELL icon to stay up-to-date with my daily videos! THANKS! . ►GET YOUR SCARABIC MERCH HERE: https://streamlabs.com/scarabicgaming/#/merch . ►DONATE TOWARDS SCARABIC ENTERPRISES HERE: https://streamlabs.com/scarabicgaming . ►Follow me on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/scarabicgaming/ . ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Scarabicgaming/ . ►INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/scarabicgaming/ Thanks for watching! EDITING PROGRAM: Hitfilm 11.2 CONSOLE: Xbox One X GAME CAPTURE: Elgato Gaming/OBS Studio MICROPHONE: Blue Yeti Nano WEBCAM: Logitech C920 STORAGE: Seagate MOUSE: Razer (Naga Hex V2) KEYBOARD: Microsoft Wireless COMPUTER MONITOR: LG LAPTOP: HP TELEVISION: Samsung TV HAIR: Manic Panic COMPUTER BUILD: Samsung SSD NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce NZXT Intel I7 ASUS ASUS Republic of Gamers CORSAIR Microsoft Windows 10 #game #gaming #gamer #youtube #youtubevideo #youtubevideos #youtubers #youtubegamer #instagram #insta #goodmorning #greenhairdontcare #greenhair #respawnentertainment #xboxgame #xboxgamer #xboxgames #xboxone #xboxonex #xbox #microsoftxbox #hungry #shark #sharks #world #hungryshark #hungrysharkworld #hsw #megamouth #megamouthshark (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/scarabicenterprises/p/BwYWzGrgZ3v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wkk0rqycgq3o
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@gooreumseng: 곧 11시 네이버 나우 에서 심야아이돌이 시작됩니다~~ 하늘이들 대기하고 있어요?!?ㅎㅎ #하성운 #하늘 #고마워
exactly at 11 pm on naver now night idol will begin~~ haneuls are you waiting for it?!?ㅎㅎ #hasungwoon #haneul #thankyou
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@gooreumseng: 스튜디오에 와봤어요~~ 이번주 심야아이돌 기대해주세요~~! #하성운 #심야아이돌 #11시
i went to the studio~~ look forward to late night idol~~! #hasungwoon #nightidol #11PM
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@HSW_officialtwt: [☁]하늘과 함께라면 시간 가는 줄 모르는 대왕 구르미 오늘 하루도 즐겁게 마무리 💜 내일 또 만나요 하늘👋
king cloud spending time with haneuls today also was completed happily 💜 see you again tomorrow haneuls👋
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@gooreumseng: 하늘~~~ 보고 싶었찌?!?✌️💕
haneuls~~~ did you miss me?!?✌️💕
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@gooreumseng: 뭐해~~~응애응앵~~ 곧 저녁 먹을 시간 이네?!? #하성운
what are you doing~~~eung-aeeng-aeng~~ it’s time for dinner soon?!? #hasungwoon
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@gooreumseng: 두둥~!! #하성운
dudung~!! #hasungwoon
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@HSW_officialtwt: [☁]오랜만에 명MC로 활약한 성운이의 모습 잘 보셨나요?! MC부터 무대까지 못하는 게 없는 완벽한 구르미! 성운이에게는 역시 하늘들의 응원이 최고입니다!💜 언제나 고마워요 하늘💙
Have you watched sungwoonie well, who hasn’t been an MC in a while?! From being the MC to his performances, the perfect gureumi who made no mistakes! As expected, for sungwoonie, haneuls' cheers is the best!💜 thank you always, haneuls💙
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@gooreumseng: 서울 첫 콘서트에 오신 하늘 여러분 너무 감사합니다! 비도 오고 덥기도 했는데, 노래도 열심히 불러 주시고 드레스코드도 맞춰주시고 너무 감사하고 예뻤어요~~ 평셍 함께 하자~~너무 즐거웠고 행복했어용~~ 진짜로~~ 사랑해요~~ #하성운 #하늘 #병아리 #부산도가야지 #성운❤️#하늘
to haneuls who went to my first concert in Seoul thank you so much! you went even if it was raining or even it was really hot, you worked so hard when singing and even came up with a dress code thank you so much it was so pretty~~ let’s be together forever~~it was so fun and filled with happiness ~~ really~~ i love you~~ #hasungwoon #haneul #chicks #gottogotobusantoo #sungwoon❤️#haneul
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@gooreumseng: 이거봐 이건 나😊✌️ #하성운
look at this it’s me😊✌️ #hasungwoon
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@gooreumseng: 오늘도 하늘이들 덕분에 행복했습니다❤️👍👍🤜🤜 고마워요~~🤤 호빵도 재밌게 봤어요?!ㅎㅎ #하성운 #하늘 #썸데이패스티벌 #호구들의감빵생활
today also because of haneuls i was very happy❤️👍👍🤜🤜 thank you~~🤤 did you enjoy watching mafia game in prison?!ㅎㅎ #hasungwoon #haneul #somedayfestival #mafiagameInprison
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@gooreumseng: #하성운의자랑_하늘_수상축하해
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@gooreumseng: 오늘도 하늘이들은 최고였습니다ㅎㅎ 고마워요~~~😘😘❤️#셀럽티비 #하성운 #하늘
today also haneuls were the bestㅎㅎ thank you~~~😘😘❤️#celuvtv #hasungwoon #haneul
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@gooreumseng: 오늘은 칼군무가 아닌 우리 하늘의 칼응원이였어요... 무대를 하고 내려오는데 큰 감동이 와 울컥했습니다....ㅠ오늘은 말할 수 있어요 하늘보다 제가 더 행복했다고❤️자신 할수 있습니다. 행복하게 해줘서 고마워요~ 제가 진짜 많이 아끼고 사랑합니다❤️ #곁에있어줘서_고마워 #자랑스러운_하늘
Today it's not a knife but our haneuls' cheers was a heavenly sword... i was so moved while i was coming down the stage...ㅠ i will say it today, i'm happier than haneuls❤️ i'm confident. thank you for being happy~ i really cherish you a lot i love you❤️
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@HSW_officialtwt: [☁]항상 큰 목소리로 구르미를 응원해주는 ��랑스러운 하늘이 있어서 폐막식까지 완벽하게 마무리했습니다! 머리부터 발끝까지 완벽한 구름 왕자님✨과 함께 주말 잘 보내세요 하늘💜
Because haneuls always cheered for gureumi so loudly, he was able to perfectly wrap up (his performances) until the closing ceremony! With our king cloud who's perfect from head to toe🌟 have a good weekend haneuls💜
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